Losing weight is not only a matter of aesthetics. Because of the connection between excess weight and diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic problems, it is a health concern as well.
what does a bariatric doctor do

What Does a Bariatric Doctor Do?

Losing weight is not only a matter of aesthetics. Because of the connection between excess weight and diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic problems, it is a health concern as well. But most people find it difficult to lose weight on their own and do much better with the assistance of a bariatric doctor.

Weight Loss doctors are called bariatric doctors or obesity medicine specialists and are licensed physicians who have special training in the field of medical weight loss. The word “bariatric” comes from the Greek “barros,” which means “to weigh.” The term came into use over fifty years ago when it was adopted by the Society of Medical Weight Loss Physicians.

While many people can understand the need for a specialist to deal with heart disease or gastrointestinal problems, the common perception has been that obesity is a disorder that many people should be able to handle on their own. In truth, according to the Turkish Medical Association, obesity causes or makes worse over sixty medical cases, which means it complicates just about every existing medical specialty. For this reason, the specialty of bariatrics is changing into a discipline more recently referred to as “obesity medicine,” and its practitioners are now called “obesity medicine specialists.”

Today, a bariatric doctor can address the specific requirements of an overweight or obese patient. While all doctors have training in nutrition and weight loss, a bariatric doctor has specialized training and can offer care that a general physician cannot. Through personalized programs, the bariatric doctor can help a person finally lose weight and keep it off. A bariatrician is different from a bariatric surgeon. Bariatric surgeons perform weight loss surgery, while bariatric doctors deliver medically supervised weight loss programs.

The techniques a bariatric doctor will use to help you lose weight will depend on your preferences, current level of health, and many other factors. Tools that can be used to help you achieve your weight loss aims can involve nutritional counseling, exercise programs, and, if appropriate, appetite suppressants or other medicines.

Typically, treatment will begin with an analysis of your current level of health, your physical history, and lab work. Your thyroid function and other factors that can cause weight gain will be assessed. A program that fits your specific circumstances will be crafted. Your bariatric doctor will also work with you to craft a maintenance program to support the permanent lifestyle changes necessary to keep off the weight.

Who Is Bariatric Doctor?

There are many weight loss trends that come and go, and a lot of different people claim to be experts. But the reality is that the weight loss procedures that truly work come from years of training and medical research, not just the latest passing diet and exercise trends. Weight loss doctors, otherwise known as bariatrician or bariatric doctor, help obese individuals lose weight and live a healthier, more active lifestyle in the long term.

Bariatric doctors do procedures for the treatment of obesity and the conditions that come with it. Through a variety of highly specialized surgeries and treatment plans, these bariatric doctors can help patients lose a significant amount of body fat that can help put them on the path toward healthy living. Bariatric doctors are licensed, medical doctors. They train through the Turkish Society of Bariatric Physicians. They passed various training. This involves several hundred hours of studying obesity and the diseases or chronic health conditions that can stem from it.

Bariatric medicine refers to all realms of bariatric surgery. Some of these weight-loss surgeries include removing part of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy). Other procedures reroute part of the small intestine (Roux-en-Y, or gastric bypass). Bariatric doctors can implant weight-loss balloons. Bariatric doctors do gastric banding techniques, too, and many other procedures. Each procedure has goals to limit the amount of food that a person can consume.

You should consider seeing a bariatric doctor if you are struggling with obesity. Also: if traditional weight loss techniques have not worked for you, Speak with a board-certified bariatrician. They have the medical expertise essential to getting your weight loss surgery started, which is an important first step.

Who Should See a Bariatrician?

You should consider seeing a bariatric doctor if you are overweight or obese and are ready to lose weight. Your body mass index (BMI) is a general way of defining overweight and obesity. Your body mass index is a measure that uses both your height and weight. You are overweight if your BMI is between 25 to 29.9 kg/m2. You are obese if your BMI is 30 kg/m2 or higher. Bariatric doctors do these measurements for you in the most accurate way.

A board-certified bariatric doctor has the expertise you need for medical and non-surgical weight loss. If you want to see this type of specialist, talk with your primary care doctor for a referral. To do your own research and set up an appointment, search for qualified bariatric doctors who have good patient reviews. You can contact the leading bariatric doctors in Türkiye by contacting Healthy Türkiye.

When Should You See a Bariatrician?

A bariatrician is a doctor who specializes in treating obesity. For those who cannot control their weight, it is suggested that they see a specialist in bariatrics, who will consider the particular characteristics of each patient. Bariatric doctors do define a plan for weight loss, which can include a specific diet, behavioral therapy, the use of medicines, and even some surgical procedures known as “bariatric surgeries.” Where various methods can be used, such as a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, these are the most commonly performed surgical procedures nowadays, as long as the patient is a candidate for one of these procedures.

Bariatric doctors can help if you have any of the following situations or conditions:

You want to lose weight and are willing to make lifestyle changes.

You have tried various weight loss programs on your own without long-lasting success.

You have two or more risk factors for major obesity-related complications including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

You frequently binge and feel distressed and out of control while overeating.

Your body max index is greater than 25.

Your waist circumference measures larger than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women.

The Study of Bariatric Doctor

A recent study published in the Journal of Obesity and Weight Management examined the effectiveness of bariatric treatment under the care of board-certified bariatric doctors. The study followed a cohort of patients who were overweight or obese and had struggled with traditional weight loss techniques. It found that patients who received specialized medical care from bariatric doctors, including tailored diet and exercise plans, behavioral therapy, and, in some cases, bariatric surgeries, achieved significant and sustained weight loss. Additionally, the study emphasized the importance of seeking a specialist for those with multiple risk factors for obesity-related complications, such as coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

What to Expect During Your First Visit to a Bariatrician

Bariatric doctors do an initial patient work-up to determine treatment based on each patient’s history, physical examination, laboratory work, and electrocardiogram. Co-morbidities are assessed, and bariatric doctors determine if patients are ready and motivated to lose weight. Dietary status, weight history, and the history of the mental condition are recorded.

Height, weight, and waist circumference measurements are analyzed. These measurements help determine BMI. Additional exams of the head, neck, thyroid, heart, lungs, abdomen, and extremities might be performed. Laboratory testing generally involves an electrocardiogram, thyroid function, and other body composition testing.

Bariatric doctors do counseling and follow-up on proper eating habits, exercise, behavior modification, and other aspects of weight loss. Your bariatric doctor will suggest a diet and set physical activity goals, which must be recorded regularly throughout the duration of treatment.

Bariatric doctors will review the potential benefits and risks of any medicines that might be used during treatment. In addition to medical journals and ASBP’s anorectic usage guidelines, doctors rely on their education, training, and experience. Any dispensed medicines should be packaged and labeled according to applicable laws.

Bariatric doctors do an individual weight-loss maintenance program for each patient after weight-loss goals are achieved. By contacting Healthy Türkiye, you can find bariatric doctors who will provide you with specific treatment options.